Dear Bedford County Families,
Welcome to the 2023-24 school year.
We want to share some information with you
regarding communication parents can receive regarding the books their children check out in
our school libraries.
1. Each school will post a link to Destiny Follet, our library checkout system, on their
school webpage. By accessing this link, parents will be able to see the list of books
available in the school’s library.
2. Parent emails have been loaded into the library system from PowerSchool. This
will enable parents to receive an email when their child checks out any book. The email
will list the book title and author for parents to know what their child is reading.
3. For any parent not wanting to receive this automated email, please complete the
following form and return to the school librarian.
4. If you are not receiving an email in a few weeks and you wish to, make sure the
school and the library have your correct email.
If you have any questions, reach out to your child’s school librarian for more information
or assistance.
Karen Woodford
Deputy Superintendent
To opt out of library emails when your child checks out library materials, please
complete the information below.
Student Name:
By signing this form, I understand that I will not receive emails from the library when my child
checks out materials from the library.
Parent Name (Please Print):
Parent Signature: