Virginia IEP
Virginia Department of Education
Virginia's DOE website provides useful information for all people associated with education.
The Council for Exceptional Children
Very useful website loaded with information on exceptional children including those with exceptionalities, disabilities, or the gifted.
LD Online
A plethora of information concerning learning disabilities
National Resource Center for Paraeducators in Education and Related Services
Provides information of interest to school administrators, teachers, and paraprofessionals.
Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia - Effective January 25, 2010
I'm Determined
The I’m Determined project, a state directed project funded by the Virginia Department of Education, focuses on providing direct instruction, models, and opportunities to practice skills associated with self-determined behavior. This project facilitates youth, especially those with disabilities to undertake a measure of control in their lives, helping to set and steer the course rather than remaining the silent passenger.
VCU Center on Transition Innovations
It is the vision of the Virginia Department of Education to create a centralized statewide portal for information, resources, demonstration, and research for educators and other stakeholders in the transition of youth with disabilities. The Center on Transition Innovations (CTI) at Virginia Commonwealth University provides evidence-based resources and information along with emerging practices in the field. The results of research studies and demonstration projects conducted here in Virginia help us shape the ongoing work of CTI. The mission of CTI is to provide information, resources, demonstration and research on pathways to employment that support youth with disabilities to gain access to integrated competitive employment to the fullest extent possible. Through participation in evidence-based employment and work experience models, higher education or postsecondary education training, youth can become integral members of their communities.
Training and Technical Assistance Centers - TTAC
VDOE's statewide projects with TTACs provide professional development and support designed to assist schools in addressing accountability and improvement goals for students with disabilities. A community linking people and resources to help children and youth with disabilities (birth to 22). It is available 24/7 to teachers, other professionals, and family members. It is a resource for professionals and family members of children and youth with disabilities (birth to 22).