Lisa Dellis, Principal

August 2024
Dear Bedford Primary School Parents and Guardians,
I am excited to begin another year at Bedford Primary School and look forward to working with each student and family. I also look forward to working with the excellent staff and supportive community as we continue to assist our students. We continue to be proud of the social, behavioral, and academic progress that our students continue to make with the support of their teachers, family, and the community as a whole. Our theme for the upcoming year is “BPS: Building Productive Students” which follows a construction theme you will see throughout the building. Please join us in supporting our students in “building” skills and celebrating the learning of all of our students academically and socially.
The school schedule for the 2024-2025 school year is as follows. Our instructional day begins at 7:45 am and school is dismissed beginning at 2:15 pm. To ensure student safety, students will be allowed to enter the building no earlier than 7:15 am when staff are available to provide supervision. If you bring your child to school after 7:45 am, he/she will be tardy and you will need to work with office staff to have them signed in tardy. Free breakfast is available and will be served in the cafeteria until the tardy bell and in a grab and go format after the tardy bell to allow students who arrive late to et breakfast. Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria from 7:15-7:45 a.m. If your child is a car rider, please ensure that they arrive early enough to allow them time to eat breakfast and not miss important instructional time.
Please remember that car riders should be dropped off and picked up at the side entrance to the cafeteria, and only bus riders will be dropped off in the front circle. This enables us to closely monitor the safety of all students. If you do walk your child to school, you will be expected to separate from your child at the school office as opposed to walking to the classroom. Dismissal will begin at 2:15 p.m. each day. However, if you need to pick them up instead of having them ride the bus, please remember to send a note to the teacher or call the school prior to dismissal and by 2:00 p.m. to allow time for the change to be communicated to your child’s teacher.
Important information will be provided in the beginning of the year mailing to each family with your child’s teacher assignment along with information provided at the Open House. As a safety precaution, be reminded that in order to sign your child out of school you will be required to utilize a driver’s license or state issued identification card each and every time. It is also important to note that the school's front doors will remain locked during the day. You will need to ring the doorbell between the main front doors to be allowed entrance to the school to complete any necessary and essential tasks including to pick up or drop off your child.
I look forward to working with each and every child and parent as we dive into learning and strive for success. I know that this will be another great school year!
Lisa L. Dellis
Lisa L. Dellis, M. Ed.