Instructional Resources

Parents may inspect, on request, any instructional material used as part of their student’s curriculum.  Upon request, the materials will be made available for review at the school, during school hours. No materials may leave the school and pictures of materials will not be allowed, due to copyright laws.

To access the VDOE Standards of Learning, click the link below:

K-12 Standards & Instruction

To  access BCPS Pacing Guides for each core subject, click the links below:
Literacy and English Language Arts



Social Studies

Curriculum material purchased by BCPS for elementary school:

Benchmark Advance

Envision Math

Five Ponds Press

Programs purchased by BCPS for elementary students:

BrainPop - Grades K-5

Discovery Education K-5

Haggerty- Pre-K – 2

IXL - Math – K-5

WelNet for PE- 4-5