Services Provided

  • Psychological Evaluations: Comprehensive assessments of cognitive, social-emotional, and behavioral functioning to determine special education eligibility and services.
  • Teacher Consultation and Collaboration: Working collaboratively with teachers to promote students behavioral, academic, and emotional success.
  • Family Consultation and Collaboration: Working collaboratively with families to promote their child's behavioral, academic, and emotional success.
  • Behavioral Interventions: Assist in data collection that guides the creation and implementation of behavior interventions.  Collaborate with school based teams to create and implement behavior interventions and plans.
  • Collaborate with the School Consultative Team (SCT): Work with the SCT to develop academic and behavioral interventions for individual students and monitor their progress.
  • Promote Schoolwide Well-Being: Analyze school wide academic, mental health, and behavioral data, determine areas of need, and develop interventions or school wide initiatives. 
  • Individual Counseling: Conduct one-on-one sessions between a student and a counselor to address personal and emotional challenges.
  • Group Counseling: Provide sessions involving a small group of students who share concerns or experiences.
  • Crisis Intervention: Immediate assistance of support provided to students and staff a crisis or traumatic event.